Rendezvous Version 1: An Experimental English-Language Query Formulation System for Casual Users of Relational Data Bases

This system, which became operational in April 1977, allows a user to express data base queries of the existential conjunctive type (with local negation if desired) in any English (grammatically correct or not) that he chooses. The user may enter his query in fragments if he happens to conceive it in that manner.

The system engages the user in clarification dialog when it encounters unfamiliar words or phrases, ambiguities, or errors of various kinds. Before retrieving data from the data base, the system generates a precise English version of its present understanding of the user's query. If the user finds that his intent has been misunderstood or only partially captured, he can edit his original query or edit the system's version or provide additional information through a menu-driven process. Experience with this system includes tests with more than 30 subjects (some computer-naive) using a data base dealing with suppliers, parts, project, and shipments.

By: E. F. Codd, R. S. Arnold, J-M. Cadiou, C. L. Chang, N. Roussopoulos

Published in: RJ2144 in 1978


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